Poster titled 'A Values-Based Approach to Public Involvement' emphasising public involvement should be intentional and trust-based

Values poster

For more info, click here.

Example recruitment poster titled 'Help create an innovative public involvement resource for researchers'

Example: Recruitment flyer

For more info, click here.

Application form recruiting for a project called 'North West London Networked Data Lab'.

Example: Application form

For more info, click here.

Mid-project feedback form for public members titled 'Advisory Group Member Feedback Form', asking questions to understand motivations and knowledge about the project.

Mid-project feedback form: Public members

For more info, click here.

Mid-project feedback form for researchers titled 'Researcher Feedback Form', asking reflective questions about the public involvement process on their project so far.

Mid-project feedback form: Researchers

For more info, click here.

End of project feedback form for public members titled 'Advisory Group Member Feedback Form', asking participants to use a Likert scale of 1-5 to answer statements such as 'The project met my expectations'.

End of project feedback form: Public members

For more info, click here.

End of project feedback form for researchers titled 'Researcher Feedback Form - End of project'. Asks questions about the impact and insights from the public involvement procress.

End of project feedback form: Researchers

For more info, click here.

Snippet from an infographic titled 'What makes it harder for some patients to attend hospital appointments', with illustrations of the different factors they found.

Example: Comic

For more info, click here.

Example: Infographic

For more info, click here.

A workshop facilitation guide in the form of a table with three columns: 'time', 'activity' and 'details, questions and prompts'. Each row is a different chunk of time in for the workshop (eg. 9:30 - 10:00)

Example: Facilitator guide

For more info, click here.